Saturday, January 10, 2009

8 Weeks Old

The boys reached 8 weeks old!  Their nana and papa helped us take photos of them (actually, papa was the one taking the photos).  Enjoy these pictures of Jonas and Canan at 8 weeks old!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Eve

We slipped out of the house for a few hours on New Year's Eve.  Although we had to be home by 10 pm to relieve nana and papa from baby-sitting we had a fun three hours at the Monroe's.

more pictures

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I can't believe we have had both boys home for only a week  and 1/2.  It feels so great and natural and it is so fun to watch these two start to develop more personality everyday!  There is a small amount of sadness seeing them grow so fast but it is wonderful at the same time.  On the day of this video (2 days ago) I put the boys in new born clothes for the 1st time and for the most part it actually fit them.  They are getting so big.  Both boys are about 6 lbs now!!  I hope you enjoy this video.